Your communication is tied to your self worth

"You get in life what you get the courage to go after."

There is always a price to pay for what you want.

Deep relationships require you to have uncomfortable conversations.

“Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery and I promise you something great will come out of it”. - Benjamin Mee

Without it, it remains a surface level connection.


Commitment requires patience, understanding, devotion and love.

Success demands grit, hardship, failure, despair & perseverance.

Freedom demands you to be comfortable with rejection & uncertainty.

Stability demands you to be comfortable with routine and predictability.

There is no “easier” way.

You need to learn to fall in love with discomfort, rejection and failure.

That is the only way to grow your self-confidence in dealing with whatever life throws at you.


It kills me that everything we were taught as a kid about being “Kind”, “Considerate”, “Forgiving” has no limit.

As a kid, we were a blank canvas and taught and molded to be an “agreeable”, understanding avtar that follows us into our adutlthood.

We are expected to forgive when people have hurt us.

We are expected to be ok if people treat us like shit.

We are expected to let things slide when people cross our boundaries.

We are expected to put on a smile and pretend everything is okay when everything is not.

It isn’t until you get hurt by people you choose in life…

But fuck that.

It’s not until you get to that point of being fed up with being treated like shit, that you’re done trying.

You care less.

You start to prioritize yourself.

That is the point where you decide to treat yourself better.

Because let’s face it… no relationship is more important than the one we have with ourselves.

We are our own cheerleader, consultant and therapist that helps guide, encourage, motivate us when we need it.

Working on your relationship with your self, your own self dialogue, your perception on yourself and of the world is imperative in being the best you can be.


Because now as an adult, you can choose differently.

You can choose to have boundaries.

You can choose to speak up.

You can choose to distance yourself from people to protect your peace.

You can choose to say no despite feeling guilty.

Everything becomes a choice, that rests on you to make a conscious and intentional decision.

Remember that.

You have more agency than you think.

It’s only when you take this step that you realize everything we were taught is bullshit, the importance of valuing, protecting, standing up for yourself is the


to your self worth, self confidence.


“Confidence is a byproduct of taking relentless action. If you feel afraid, good. Courage is not the absence of fear. It’s taking action despite your fear.

Keep starting. Keep asking. Keep trying.” - Noah Kagan

I encourage you to be brave and keep working on yourself.

Practice when the stakes are low.

The more you practice, the easier it becomes.


Additional Resources For You:

Hi, I'm Eunice Cheung
Your millennial therapist.

If you're ready to learn the tools to improve our communication so you can level up in your life and relationships, I'm here to help you.

Want to book Eunice for your next corporate workshops, enquire here.

Ready to embark on your Self Improvement Journey?

Visit my website to book in a clarity call Here.

Not ready for therapy yet?

If you are ready to be challenged and want to rewire your limiting beliefs, get started with Attack The Roots Of Your Patterns.


The Art of Conflict & Understanding


What it means to believe in yourself