Stepping into Google: To speak about Asian Parents

I was beyond honored to be invited by Google last week, to speak about How To Improve Our Communication & Relationships with Asian Parents.

Watch the full workshop here.

After 8 months… I am excited to finally be able to share with you all that…I was invited by Google last week, to speak about How To Improve Our Communication & Relationships with Asian Parents. 

"From Guilt Trips to Growth: Breaking the Cycle & Building Stronger Connections with Asian Parents", has been planned from behind the scenes for months. 

A massive thank you and shoutout to Quinn NguyenFlavia Yanase, the rest of Asian Googlers (AGN) & Women@Google for having me speak about such a valuable topic within our community. 


A few takeaways from this event: 

1. We all have a version of what is "Normal" to us, it becomes about understand each other's "Normal" for better understanding & connection. 

  • Because our relationship with our parents forms the foundation for all our future relationships, how we communicate, receive and show love at home becomes our “Normal”.

  • But when we enter the real world, start dating and making friends, that is when we realize our “Normal” isn’t everyone else’s “Normal”.

  • That is why in every relationship, friendship, it is NOT about what is right and wrong, rather, it is about understanding each other’s perspective and interpretation of the situation.

  • Misunderstanding the other person’s “Normal” is the root of MANY conflicts within couples, families and friends.

2. Showing appreciation, gratitude and love is the most powerful thing we can do with our loved ones. Don't underestimate how it strengthens your relationships. 

  • Do not assume for one second that just because she is your mother/partner, that you are “entitled” to their love, treatment.

  • Show gratitude like you would to a friend.

  • That is the key to maintaining strong, deep, intimate relationships with your loved ones.

3. Reframing conflict as an opportunity to connect better through understanding.

  • Conflict gets bad rep when it is actually a sign that they care. Afterall, if you don’t give a crap, you wouldn’t speak up in the first place.

4. Our relationship with our parents forms the foundation for all our future relationships. Their validation and acceptance is crucial to our development of self confidence and self worth.

  • Their acceptance, love, is what make us feel loved, safe. Which gives us the courage to explore the world.

  • Ultimately, it all comes down to feeling loved. THat is directly tied to our resilience to approach life.

5. The goal of any relationship is, Love. Not peace. 
See the full post here.

6. The power of speaking up is the release of negative feelings and resentment which allows both parties, to move forward together.

Read the full story here.

Let's flip the script, stop the cycle of guilt trips & do better for our children and the next generation of Asians.


That’s it for this Newsletter.

See the previous newsletter #48 where I called my brother out here.

A new DIY Asian Parent edition e-workbook is in the works & will be available soon. Stay tuned.

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Additional Resources For You:

Hi, I'm Eunice Cheung
Your millennial therapist.

If you're ready to learn the tools to improve our communication so you can level up in your life and relationships, I'm here to help you.

Want to book Eunice for your next corporate workshops, enquire here.

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I want to be the dumbest in the room


I called my brother out