Your millennial therapist

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Risk over Regret

Giving it your all because you won’t regret not trying has been floating around a lot for me recently.

It’s slowly cementing into my head.

Giving it your all to me means:

To ask.
To initiate.

To try.

To send that email.

To send that text.

To reach out to companies to pitch.

To reach out to prospective clients.

To be the first to communicate.

To resolve disagreements.

To apologize.

“Because doers beat dreamers.”

“First is far beyond second. And the world gives to those who initiate. Not wait for those who do so.” - Zach Pogrob


But to what end?

Isn’t there a point where you know your efforts are going down the drain?

Isn’t there a point where you just someone else to give you the same efforts you give out?

Isn’t there a point where you just get so tired of everything?


I’ve also come to learn this:

Most of the time, things don’t workout for the best.

If you tried and gave it your all, then you won’t regret it.

In hindsight, you will see it.

Never in the moment because it hurts.


Things don’t workout for the best:

Just because you found someone you love doesn’t mean they will reciprocate back.

Because relationships are a two way street.

Just because you found the perfect apartment, doesn’t mean the owner will sell it to you.

Because the property market is all about timing.

Just because you found a job that finally aligns with you, doesn’t mean it will last.

Because sometimes things happen.

Just because you found a good friend you connect with doesn’t mean it will last forever.

Because people grow, change, evolve and not everyone can stay in all chapters of your life.

People come and go and that’s a fact.


But the sliver lining is…it all leads to another path.

With every door that closes, comes another new open door.

Sometimes it means, it will lead to a better relationship that is more suitable for you after you have learnt the lesson the previous one was trying to teach you.

Sometimes, it means there is a better property for you because there were problems you didn’t know about in the one you wanted.

Sometimes it means you have to carve out a different path for your career because it may take you to places you never imagined.

Sometimes it means you have to have difficult conversation with a friend that will end up bringing you closer than before.

Or maybe it was teaching you something so that when real, genuine people come along, you would have learnt the skills and understand what it takes to take any relationship, friendship work.

A lot of life’s lessons are bittersweet.

But as long as you’ve tried, then there are truly no regrets.

Therefore, I’ll always choose fear over regret.

That is all the universe’s way of protecting and guiding you through the chaos.

You just have to hang on to it and believe it.

“Unwavering self belief is underrated.” - Tim Denning

But it’s necessary to continue to fight for what you want.

Life is always full of ups and downs.

There are no linear, smooth rides.

Ride with it.

Be at peace with it.

Don’t fight it.


DM me or comment down below to let me know how adopting the Risk over Regret approach can help you in your life :) I’d love to know.

If you're ready to work on yourself so you can level up in your life and relationships, I'm here to help you.

Hi, I'm Eunice Cheung
Your millennial therapist.

Ready to embark on your Self Improvement Journey?

Visit my website to book in a clarity call Here.

Set yourself free from your own limiting beliefs here.


Additional Resources For You:

Listen to my latest podcast episode of Eunice.Co on Spotify - Nothing is a Wasted Effort Here.

Connect with me via Instagram.