Perfectionism is paralyzing

I often hear clients saying that they have to wait for the right time, more experience, to ensure what they are doing is ‘perfect’ before they do it. But most of the time, there will never be the right time and it won’t be perfect the way you want it to be. I would encourage you to start small, start with one thing at a time, 1%, one step, one exercise. Because action is what gives us momentum, it’s difficult to think your way into doing something because we can come up with many reasons why it won’t work.

Start doing and let it go from there, a lot of the times, we just need that leap of courage. Making the first step is hard but I promise you it will get better from there. I debated, pondered on it for months whether I should launch this website and an Insta account because I thought it wasn’t good enough or that I needed to wait until a certain time before I can or should launch it. I am privileged enough that my partner had encouraged me by asking me - ‘ What are you waiting for?’. I didn’t have a good enough answer, hence, I decided to launch my website and I feel amazing afterwards because I finally did it.

Being perfect or striving to be perfect is and can be what is holding you back and paralyzing you from taking action. Something that can help is - ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen if you take that first step? What can you gain from it? Rather than putting yourself down and judging your work.

:) Take control of your own mind this way and see how you feel. It won’t be easy, so baby steps. You got this.



Grateful for my rebellious side


The rise of languishing