The Danger of Close-Mindedness
Nothing is an absolute. Zoom out of your self-imposed beliefs, values & thoughts that are holding you back.
Your thoughts are not absolutes.
Your feelings are not absolutes.
Your beliefs & values are not absolutes.
Nothing is an absolute. Aside from science and math equations.
Get this in your head.
We all evolve and change. Because change is inevitable.
You are allowed to change your mind.
Just because you want different things doesn’t mean you are wrong.
Nothing is ever set in stone.
As we gain more experiences, we have better insight on what we want and what we do not want.
But you won’t get that insight if you don’t ever try to do things differently.
So please, stop seeing your life in a linear way.
Stop becoming a victim of your own limiting mindset.
Stop settling for a life that you think you SHOULD want.
Stop settling for things to please your parents.
Stop being passive in your life.
You have more power, agency and control than you think.
You just have to make time for it and priortize it.
Be selfish and focus on yourself.
Be in the driver’s seat and control the steering wheel.
If you continue to see your thoughts and feelings as “facts”, you will suffer from your own wrongdoing.
Learn to question them.
Understand where they come from.
Understand why you “think” and “perceive” the world in your own way.
Understand what the intention is & how do they help you.
School and society constantly told us what is right and wrong.
Religion tells us what is the right and wrong way to live.
We get so much input that we fail to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong for us.
Stop going through life like this.
It kills me that most people go through life without ever questioning.
Because the worst thing that can happen is losing yourself to “shoulds”.
What you think you SHOULD do in life.
What you think you SHOULD want in life.
What you think SHOULD make you “happy” & “successful”.
Everything is relative.
Your parents’ expectations of a happy and successful life will be different to your own definition.
They may value stability and security.
You may value something else entirely.
Freedom. Creativity. Wealth. Ambition. Independence. Adventure. Spirituality.
These are all valid values, but it will cause a clash between those who value different things.
It doesn’t mean someone is wrong, it just means there is a clash in personal values.
Ultimately, everything depends on whether it makes SENSE FOR YOU. Not anyone else.
Always come back to what is most important for YOU.
Start being honest with yourself.
What do you want to do with your life?
How do you want to live?
What do you want to try for yourself that you haven’t done before?
What is on your bucket list?
Why have you stopped yourself?
What are the barriers that have been holding you back?
“The danger of not knowing what you want is that you will be TOLD what to want” - @thedankoe
There is nothing worst than having expectation thrusted upon you.
As Dan Koe have iterated, find out what you want so you don’t fall into the trap of doing what you think you “SHOULD” want.
Wake up.
Question your “SHOULDS”.
Remember. We are all on OUR OWN timeline.
Stop letting society get into your head.
Stop letting society rush your timeline.
See your differences as a gift of perspective.
You can always choose a different path.
You don’t have to follow blindly.
The danger lies in never questioning your choices, thoughts & outlook on life.
The danger lies in never being honest with yourself about what you want.
The danger lies in never stepping out of your self-imposed & society imposed chains.
It’s never too late to question.
Start questioning and start your journey with me Here.
That is it for this Newsletter.
Thank you for being here on this journey with me.
See you next week.
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