How do I prioritize?

‘The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.’ – Stephen Covey


This quote hit me, upon further reflection, I think that there are many things that we want to do but we often lost motivation, or don’t have time or energy that we end up neglecting it.


But the thing is, if we schedule it in our priorities, aka, making time for what is important to us, to our values or to who we want to become, we wont be able to give ourselves an excuse to not do something.


Consistency is the key, forget about having motivation 100% of the time,


Top performers in every field remain consistent, they show up and deliver daily while others get held back by life and a never ending battle between procrastination and motivation.


Process > performance – it’s not about how you feel, how inspired you are or how brilliant you are. Instead, it’s about not breaking the chain.


Mastery follows consistency.


How to stop worrying?