Your millennial therapist

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What it means to believe in yourself

“The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” - Unknown


I’ve come to realized recently that everything I experienced in life has prepared for the present.

But it’s hard to see it that way when bad shit happens.

Because when bad shit happens to us, we tend to see it as that, bad shit.

But it gets bad up to a certain point that it can’t get worse.

In that moment, that is when you can turn the tides in your favor.

Because you’re at rock bottom, theres nothing left to lose.

You start to see it as an opportunity for growth.

An opportunity to rise up, like a phoenix rises from its ashes.

In every struggle, there is always a lesson to be learnt.

You need to be able to identify it.

Stubbornness teaches you → to let go.

Close-mindedness teaches you → to be more open.

Sadness and despair teaches you → to hold the forth long enough for it to pass.

Anger teaches you → to protect yourself when someone harmed you.

Joy teaches you → to appreciate every little moment and cherish the present.


What it means to believe in yourself

Having faith in yourself means that you believe you will get through anything no matter what life throws at you.

It means even if others don’t believe in you, you must show conviction for yourself and of yourself.

It means standing alone (most of the time) when others disagree.

It means your belief in yourself, what you want in life, your values in life must be you guiding compass in everything you do, say, don’t do.


Everything that happened last year, the bad and the good has prepared me for what will take place this year.

As I’ve hinted before, there are two big work opportunities that are coming for me this year and I can’t wait to share them with you when the time comes :)

But if I didn’t go through hardship and challenges, it would not have allowed me to grow, evolve into the person I am today.

The moments with family, loved ones, the work opportunities last year with SBS Insight, UNSW and KPMG addressing Asian Mental Health…. all the pain and challenges I experienced have all stacked me up for the new path I am on now.

I’m grateful for all of it.

I find myself at a level where I no longer view hardship as a bad thing, in fact, I look forward to it.

To identify what it is trying to teach me.

That is the beauty of self improvement, you keep reaching a new level and it never ends.

Never have I ever thought I would be so content and at peace when I go through bad shit now.

That is the power of working on yourself, my friends.

Let’s rise up together.

“Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits” - Unknown


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If you're ready to identify how your cultural conditiongs affect your communication so you can level up in your life and relationships, I'm here to help you.

Hi, I'm Eunice Cheung
Your millennial therapist.

Ready to embark on your Self Improvement Journey?

Visit my website to book in a clarity call Here.

Not ready for therapy yet?

Here is a DIY to Set yourself free from your own limiting beliefs here.


Additional Resources For You:

Listen to my latest podcast episode of Eunice.Co on Spotify - Nothing is a Wasted Effort Here.

Connect with me via Instagram.

If you are ready to be challenged and want to rewire your limiting beliefs, get started with Attack The Roots Of Your Patterns. This ebook will ask you questions that shake you up at your core that you will see yourself, the world and others differently.