Your millennial therapist

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Perfection is a myth

Nothing happens perfectly the first time, its the LEARNINGS you take from it that matters most in life.

Perfection doesn’t exist.

Nothing happens perfectly the first time, its the LEARNINGS you take from it that matters most in life.

That is one of the most important lessons I’ve taken from life.

Two weeks ago, on 30th November, 2023, was a professional & personal milestone for me.

I hosted my first ever Workshop on the Business & Marketing side of being a therapist for Mental Health Practitioners in Sydney.

- How to Market yourself as a therapist
- Attract your ideal clients
- How to Create Additional Income sources


The idea came to me when I was driving after attending an event for therapists to connect together.

It got me thinking what I would want to do differently to make it more inclusive, practical & actionable.

“To do things out of curiosity instead of obligation. To throw away the KPI mindset and live with whatever time you have.” - Tim Denning

Because the mental health field mainly consists of western therapists, most events had little to no Asian representation.

This has always been a source of sadness, frustration and pain for us Asians.

The lack of Asian representation, understanding, lens to mental health makes it harder for us to seek for mental health assistance due to the subjection of the western lens, which simply…

Does not work.

Because it does not account for cultural values, beliefs, practices, intergenerational trauma, personalities, I can go on forever.

I also realized NOONE. EVER. teaches us how to market ourselves as a therapist/business or both.

It is all up to us to do it ourselves (assuming we actually care, motivated enough, brave enough to do it because I realized now that’s another issue that stops many therapists).

“The moment you stop living in fear is the moment you come alive.” - Tim Denning

So instead of feeling frustrated of being the only Asian millennial therapist at this events, I created my own.

Instead of wishing someone would teach me how to market myself, attract my ideal clients & make it in the social media world, I created my own event.

"Create your own opportunities."

That's what I did.

I created an opportunity for myself - to host a Workshop & Peer Supervision event for mental health practitioners in Sydney.

To address something school doesn't teach you - marketing, sales, selling in the therapy world (or any world).

“Money is a paradox. Whatever society tells you about money is often the opposite of what’s true.” - Tim Denning

Because, it is up to you, to us, to choose to self educate.

Education doesn’t stop after we finish high school and uni.

It is a continued process through adulthood, through life.

That is the only way if you want to keep improving yourself.

There are no other options.

Self education, no matter what you educate yourself in is crucial.

To keep up, to pivot, to be adaptable with the job market and the economy because it is ever-changing.

If you have an idea and don't execute it, it won't turn into a reality.

So I encourage you to write down your ideas, turn it into a reality.

That way you beat the fear of failure with the fear of regret.

It’s better to submit to the FEAR OF REGRET than the FEAR OF FAILURE. - Me

I’m very grateful for friends, colleagues & loved ones who have encouraged me, supported me for creating, launching & making this event a reality.

Most importantly, I’m grateful for something within me that never wants to give up, never wants to settle and know I deserve better.

I did this for myself, my business, my future, my continuous growth & improvement, personally and professionally.

Your WHY is important in the work you do, it is the driving force, fire of your spark.

Lean into it. Hold onto it.

That is what makes you special.


To the participants that came, from the bottom of my heart, thank YOU for being there with me on my first ever event.

I know it wasn’t perfect.

But I will get better.

With your valuable feedback, participation, I will make the next ones better.

So genuinely, thank you.


Bringing something to life from an idea is tremendously difficult.

I gave it my all, my heart, my soul, into the slides of the event, the booklet, the personalized cards and my delivery.

But I also learnt something valuable which was - be careful of your ego.

When you dedicate so much of yourself in creating something, bringing something to life…your ego can get in the way.

In the sense that you want it to go the way you visualized, planned.

You want to cover all the groundwork first.

I wanted to convey and go through the content of the slides because it was everything I learnt these past 3 years.

Upon reflection & with valuable feedback from my participants, I realized I was too focused on the content on the slides that I wanted to share, I forgot an important aspect of the event - which was discussions & facilitations between the participants.

But rest assured, the next events will address this concern and make it an even better experience for you all.

P.S. I’ll be running the exact same event next year on 29th Feb 630pm, you can sign up here. I will only be releasing 13 spots to make it an inclusive, intimate night for you all.

I don’t regret anything.

Because it is so worth trying, learning and improving on it.

I can't wait to level up for the next ones 😊

Thank you for tuning in.

“Once you realize you’ve always been doing most things wrong despite your fear, you finally come alive.” - Tim Denning

A final takeaway for you today on Fear holding us back by Tim Denning.

None of us are fearless

  • To stop living in fear doesn’t mean you’re fearless.

  • The fear never went away altogether, but it became manageable.

  • This is what most people get wrong. Being unstoppable in life is where you feel the fear and take action anyway.

  • That’s a big takeaway: we get used to fear. Once we are used to it we can transcend it. We either let fear use and abuse us, or we can use fear to our advantage.

  • Fear exists but it’s not the reason to stop or give up.

  • It’s when you decide your big goals are more important than the fear you feel.


That is it for this Newsletter.

Join the top 5% of self-improvers by figuring our your shitty defaults patterns. Subscribe to my Newsletter HERE.

The podcast version of this newsletter will be up this week, follow Eunice.Co podcast on Spotify here.

Listen to my latest podcast episode on Nothing is Ever A Wasted Effort Here.

Stay tuned via Instagram.

If you'd like to get in touch and book in a 1:1 therapy & coaching session to start identifying your mental patterns and want to REWIRE them, click Here.

If you are ready to be challenged and want to rewire your limiting beliefs, get started with Attack The Roots Of Your Patterns. This ebook will ask you questions that shake you up at your core that you will see yourself, the world and others differently.