Your millennial therapist

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Why see a therapist?

Nothing has to be wrong for you to see a therapist, people have different motivations to seek out therapy. Some come to explore childhood experiences/trauma, some explore what has gone wrong in their current relationships, some come because they feel worried about everything all the time and unable to control it. Some feel as though they do not have direction and motivation to do something else. Some experience guilt and shame around saying no or letting people down. Some come wanting to develop a better sense of self and unpack why it is that they do certain things, some come wanting to be able to help themselves in difficult times.

But this is not common knowledge because mental health is not being spoken about enough, when it is spoken about, most of the time people do not know what to do with that information. You can be left feeling worse than prior to opening up to somebody. Whether you are experiencing negative and spiralling thoughts or feeling anxious around certain places or people, you can talk through it, you don’t have to be alone in your struggles.

As a trained and certified therapist, I had to do roleplays during my training where I am the client. It is terrifying to talk about myself and the stuff that is going on for me because usually we are not given the space to do so. But at the same time, I felt comfortable and safe sharing with my (roleplay therapist) because they made me feel safe. They provided a positive, unconditional and non judgemental space for me to share. That, in itself is priceless, we don’t get that in our daily life. That is one difference between talking to a friend and talking to a therapist.

Hence, I would encourage you to take a leap of faith and give therapy a try if you are debating on whether you should do it. What are the pros and benefits you can possibly gain from therapy? And does it outweigh the cons? There is no right or wrong time to see a therapist, whenever you are ready, I will be here for you.

Feel free to email me any questions about therapy and how I work, I would be happy to discuss it further with you :)