Your millennial therapist

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THIS is holding you back

If your insecurities were all dimmed and you were able to filter out the voice of your inner critic, how would things be different for you? What differences would you notice within yourself? What would you be able to do? How would you be feeling?

Now reflecting on the present - what is one thing you wish you had the courage to do but didn’t do? Did feelings of regret haunt you for days afterwards? What is one thing that is holding you back right now? It can be many things, it can be fear of taking a risk to an uncertain future, it can be fear of disapproval, fear of upsetting others, fear of not being loved.

Learn to be curious and question your thoughts and emotions when you notice yourself spiralling. Give your emotion a name, ask yourself why am I feeling X right now? What is it about this situation or person that is making me feel so worked up/insecure/upset/angry? It usually comes down to a need or want not being met. Once you are able to dive deeper into what sits underneath the feeling (e.g. feeling upset), you will be able to gain more clarity onto what is happening and how you want to do or not do in a given situation. The takeaway here is learn to not take your emotions and thoughts for face value, it often reveals to a more hidden or subtle need or want that is not being met.

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One last takeaway here is: We don’t have to be a prisoner to our inner critic. There is a way out, this is one way :) If you are interested in my work, you can Learn More here.